Regulations Quinta da Achada |
Main Guidelines of Regulation
* All works must be in accordance with the Detailed Urban Plan regulation, legislation in force, general regulations for urban buildings and county regulations. * All works (construction, alteration and enlargement) must receive prior approval and authorisation from the Santiago Golf Resort and Promex Centro de Promoção Turística. * Each plot has clearly defined alignments, construction distances to the plot limits, basis polygon, ground level and maximum height of construction, number of floors and construction index. These definitions must comply with the project and the other applicable regulations. * All authorised constructions must comply with the vertical and horizontal alignment limits. *
projects must be undersigned by qualified technicians and registered at
the CMP. * The only additional construction option allowed by the regulation is the building of an annex to be used as a garage and storeroom, with a gross area of 30 m², adjacent to the front wall of the plot near the road. * The owner is responsible for the building of his plot-limiting wall, which must be constructed in accordance with the characteristics stipulated by the SGR and subject of to an architecture plan. The owner must, at his own expense, signal the plot entrance and corresponding plot identification number, and provide a rubbish disposal recipient, gas installation or meter, electricity and water meters, telephone connection box and mail box. * In the plots designated for detached houses, the total surface area of the constructions (gross area of the construction) cannot exceed 20% of the plot area and no construction must reach the plot limits. *
the gardens, species of flora from * The proprietor of the plot will bear all expenses of linking the construction to the water, drainage, electricity, gas and telephone networks in addition to future monthly bills. * The proprietors are only allowed to keep domestic animals on the plot provided that they are not for commercial activity and provided that they do not put the well being of the community at risk. * It is obligatory for the proprietors of the property to maintain them in perfect condition with regard to safety, sturdiness and upkeep so as to guarantee they remain in good visual condition throughout their lifespan.
* The norms apply to all the construction companies. * The constructor and the Client are wholly responsible for compliance with the norms. * Inspection in order to verify that the norms and regulation are being complied with is the responsibility of Santiago Golf Resort, SA. * SGR, SA will advise against the future adjudication of works to companies that have transgressed these norms. * All construction plots must be enclosed around their whole perimeter. The Construction site, whose plans are to be submitted to SGR, SA must be located solely within this enclosure. * In undertaking the works, it is forbidden that land outside the plot be occupied or used. In the event of abusive occupation of land the works will be stopped. * For the purpose of safety and monitoring of the enterprise, before works begin, the SGR must be presented with a plan of the Construction Site, health and safety measures and a forecast manual labour plan. * The proprietor of the plot is responsible, upon completion of the works, for making sure that the constructor (in 72 hours) removes all surplus materials and transports them to the municipal dump. He must also ensure that any part of the road that has been damaged by the constructor’s vehicles is duly repaired. The proprietor must proceed with the application for the residence licence and registry of the property at the Tax Office and Building Registry Office. * All other norms to be complied with by constructors must be requested from the SGR before the works begin.
* Santiago Golf Resort, SA is the body responsible for the functioning, maintenance and conservation of all infrastructures. * SGR, SA is also responsible for the functioning, maintenance and conservation of the basic condominium services and for the supply of water, electricity and gas services. * The maintenance, replacement and functioning expenses of the infrastructures and basic urban services will be borne by all the proprietors of the property units (buildings and/or plots) * All services supplying water, electricity and gas and other basic services will be suspended by SGR, SA upon failure to pay condominium costs until such time as they have been paid. |